Hiatal hernia is herniation of a portion of the stomach into the esophagus through an opening or hiatus in the diaphragm. It is also referred to as ‘diaphragmatic hernia and oesophagial hernia’. Hiatal hernia are classified into two types
1. Sliding hernia
2. Paraoesophagical/rolling hernia
1. Pregnancy,
2. Intense physical exertion
3. Lifting heavy weight, longstanding , weak abdominal muscles
4. Chronic constitution, chronic cough, Ascitis, obesity
5. Trauma, poor nutrition, tight corsets
Signs & Symptoms
1. Heartburn after meals, Reflux , coughing
2. Breath shortness, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, loss of weight
3. Epigastric region pain, digestive disturbances
Diagnostic Tests for Hiatus Hernia
1. History taking, physical examination
2. X-ray chest, s-ray abdomen, Ba meal X-ray, endoscopy , ultra sound of abdomen
3. Urine Dr , blood CP
o Stenosis , haemotemesis
o Irreducible hernia, repeated attack of pneumonia
Nursing Management
1. Reassure the patient, provide Health Education
2. Medication, diversion therapy
3. Mouth care, daily bath, back care, hot fomentation
o Pain killer , drip therapy, Vit B-complex, Vit c
o Enzymes , glycerin therapy
Surgical Therapy
o Herniotomy , herniorraphy,
o Hernioplasty , Antacid
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